SWT x2 - Fast Cast -
Poison - Added Fire/AOE/ - PtL - Hypho!! - Conc Effect!
Orb of Storms - PCoC - CoH - Curse
Hatred - HoA
***TIPS and TRICKS***
What I think is important to know is:
Minimum level to go dual totem is 35ish - you need to the dual totem node and at least the witch or templar AoE nodes in order to be efficient / compareable to Freezing Pulse + Faster casting + Spell Echo in clearing speed.
4 Link(minimum to be worth it to go totems):
Shockwave totem + Added fire(+20 to 40% of the dmg as fire) + Increased AoE(increased AoE really makes a difference) + Faster Casting(boosts the DPS a lot for no drawback).
5th Link: Concentrated effect.
Therefore best chest - Carcass Jack - the 20% increased AoE.
Increased AoE would make your totems outrange the ranged monsters and push back rare monsters to walls easily. Also constant casts while pushing the monster, and not at wall yet. So all the
4% increased AoE nodes are worth it, they are better than a 10% spell dmg node even though no increase in tooltip DPS.
Hatred aura works - +20 to 40% extra dmg as cold.
Herald of Ash works - + 15% of the dmg as fire.
To deal with Rare monsters(whites die in 1 sec, blues in 3 sec, rares take 4-10 sec) - put the totems in a way to push them towards the nearest wall/obstacle.
Ones he is there you totems do full their DPS because they constantly cast/hit him. While otherwise they push him out of their reach and you loose dps/efficiency. Your totems will cast again only when the mob walks back in their range
The totem deals perfectly with reflect because it's half Phys half Elemental damage. If your totem does 100 phys dmg he also does 55 fire from added fire and herald of ash and 40 cold dmg from Hatred. So thats 100 phys dmg and 95 Elemental. So reflect reflects only half of it's damage, unless you encounter double reflect.
So that's awesome, 'cus spark totem was oneshoting himself on reflect.
Quality to the gem is important - 60% increased HP at 20% quality.
Bandits and Passive points: Everything on the thee that says "Area of Effect Damage"(they are like 2 nodes lol), "Spell Damage" and "Physical damage"(NOT "Physical damage with One/Two Handed Weapons", neither "Melee Physical Damage") works.
However, increased damage stats have diminishing returns effectiveness - the more you get, the less effective they become. This is why I am
going crit based.
What are your protips/observations guys?
Also let me break a mith - Crit (Spell crit including) does work, I am going crit build and I shutter everything into ice cubes thx to the hatred cold dmg.
Try Nyctas lantern