Sunday, May 1, 2016

POE : Triple Golem Clayshaper Necro

Shoes : Zombies - Life - Fort - AG
Helm : SRS - Echo - MDmg - Added Chaos
Chest : Stone Golem - MDmg - MPD - Multistrike(ppl say its bugged, so)/Fortify -
Chest : Haste - Hatred - Generosity
Gloves : Spectres : Undying Grappler - Multistrike - Minion Damage - MPD
if Evangelist - Echo - Min Dmg - AOE

Clay1 : Convo - Flesh Off - Inc Duration
Clay2 : Flame Totem - Blind - Faster Proj. / Spell Totem - Skellies - Blind
somewhere - leap or warp

Ag - DBreath - LeerC - Death Oath - Southbound - resist/life

tree: Necromancer
cutting Haste, get MoM

DAMn the more I look at it, why not Saint's femur instead of dual clay?
maybe try both. same tree anyway

edit: LOL someone found this blog.

OK, instead of OP Spectres Necro, how about, mini homing raging poison arrow, aka SRS beacon of Corruption.
necro asc. - Mistress of Sex, Flesh Eater, Beacon of Corr, idea is srs will do 10% max life when expire. also skeletons!


Helm +2 min - SRS - Echo - Min Dmg - Added Chaos
Boots Ullr, nah scrap that.
Best Boots MS Life Res - RZ-AG-Fort-Life : meat shield buff yo!
Gloves : 

BoC just giving DoTs which doesnt stack. damn useless.

scrap that! back to cookie cutter summoner build la!

anyway, still with Attacks Minions.
try this:
Bitterdream (corrupt with melee splash is best!) : RS - Multistrike - Minion Damage
on Undying Grappler
err no, I still want dual clay

ok scrap that, I will see how it works with Hierophant/Victario shield
shit my hiero is perfect already. forget about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.. nice to stumble onto your blog :) blame here!