Monday, January 19, 2015

POE : Herald of Thunder

Best support gems to use with herald of thunder?
HoT - Curse on Hit - Curse - Reduced Mana
HoT - Mana Leech - Blind - Reduced Mana
HoT - Empower - Life Leech - Reduced Mana
HoT - Culling Strike - Item Rarity - Reduced Mana
Those are some nice ways to use it, first gives free cursing; second gives survivality and mana; third gives nice damage and healing and last gives some nice extra rarity.

especially the mana leech option is very good. there are loads of potential builds that can have some problems with leech sustain. herald with mana leech lets replenish all the time.
also pretty good with mind over matter

If you don't need a specific curse, Warlords mark would also be an option which gives you mana and life leech on all damage on the cursed mob.

If you're a crit build in general you can go Hot - CoH - Ass. Mark - Curse too, for example my Ball Lightning witch uses Hot-CoH-Ass.Mark-Ele weakness

Blind, curse on hit, stun, mana/life leech, added lightning/chaos, lightning pen, empower, faster casting, increased duration are all the gems that I would even think about putting on them.
Of those, the ones I would be less likely to use are blind, stun, added damage, and lightning pen. The rest are viable. If you use MoM, mana leech is actually an option.

Culling strike is pretty pro -- with 20/20, you get 10% cast speed (which does work on HoT) and 22% damage. For a gem with 110% mana multiplier, that's good.

I was using culling strike and blind. with Reduced mana
I recently removed cull to use purity of lightning else would have kept that in.
mana leech has been considered as well. For me and my setup Blind made more sense since it was more melee like but if you have a ranged build and esepcially MoM then the mana leech is nice.

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