But here I am again.
Yes, I am here again, to write again on this blog.
I may have been on vf and fb most of the time, and neglected this ol' blog, but I guess here is where I belong. Where I can write freely like before. Macam dulu-dulu.
Without further ado, REJOICE!
And so, to commemorate this event, I will start with what I did today.
I read this Guild wars 2 novel.
title Edge of Destiny.
Interesting, and I got carried away.
(Oh yeah, I found the full novel somewhere on the net...)
And I even shed a tears! Such a touching story. Nah, more like a very good storytelling.
I finished the novel IN A DAY! How come I don't finish all other books in my collection within this short time? Well, I guess because they are not ACTION Novel.
ACTION! Yes, I found it. What drives me to read and flip page to page. The action.
What is going to happen next? I want to know.
And this is how I should write my novel. But then, maybe it is only ME who likes action is a novel. Maybe other readers like to read some paragraph of no conversation but only explanation of situation. In my case, I always tend to skip lengthy wall of text and jump straight away to CONVERSATION.
Imo, the conversation drives the story. I like to hear whats coming out of the mouths of the characters. It can be funny, witty, puns, rhetoric, jokes, and all sort of word play.
I like wordplay.