Saturday, December 16, 2017

POE 3.1 : Half Trigger

Spell Totem - Unearth - GMP - Volley
Volatile Dead - Ele Focus - Ctrl Destruction - Echo/Cascade - Conc effect - Fire Pen

Kitava : Desecrate - Spirit Offering - Skeleton - Dark Pact
Maligaro - CWDT 1 - Spirit Offering 8 - SRS 10

hmm lets take a look at previous plan, full auto trigger
OK lets try to arrange SLOTS :
Helmet - CWDT 16 - Skeleton 18 - Dark Pact 18 - Spell Echo 20
The Scourge - CWDT 16 - Desecrate 18 - Spell Cascade 20
Maligaro - CWDT 1 - Spirit Offering 8 - SRS 10
CHEST - CWDT - Bodyswap - Lightning Warp - Blade Vortex
CHEST - Clarity - Discipline
Gloves - CWDT 20 - Skel 20 - Echo 20 - DP 20
Boots - CWDT 20 - Volatile Dead 20 - Deto Dead 20 - BladeFall 20

now with kitava....
we have Spell Totem Corpse-maker....

HMMM lets try SRS - Min Dmg - MPD - Min Speed -
HMM CANNOT CANNOT....problem is with corpse-making. Totem not fast enough!

OK, manual cast Unearth - Volley - Echo - GMP
Unearth - Volley 1.4 - Echo 1.4 - Arcane Surge 1.1 - Ctrl Destruction 1.3 - FastCast/AddedFire/Chaos
Unearth cost 8-23
4-Link Unearth manual cast!
KITAVA - Skeleton - Dark Pact - Volatile Dead - Bladefall
MALIGARO - CWDT 1 - S.Off 8 - SRS 10
APEPS - CWDT 10 - S.Off 14 - SRS 15
GLOVES - CWDT 20 - Skel 20 - Dark Pact 20 - Volatile Dead 20
BOOTS - CWDT 20 - Deto Dead 20 - Bladefall 20 - Spirit Offering 20
CHEST - Unearth - Volley - GMP - Echo = 14 corpse. w/o Volley is 10 corpse
CHEST - Clarity - Discipline
HUNGRY LOOP - Zombies - Min Dmg - MPD - DoFL - Maim
get 2 Heartbound Loop instead!

GRRR OK, now its not even Minion build LOL


Lets see if we ... hmm nevermind. lets try double apep double heartbound

lets try minion again!
SRS - Min Dmg - MPD - Min Speed -- Multistrike
12 x 1.3 x 1.4 x 1.4 -- 1.8

nope. lets try dual apep.
VD (up to 31 mana) x Ctrl D 1.3 x Ele Focus 1.3 x Fire Pen 1.4 x Apep 1.4 x Apep 1.4

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