Sunday, May 29, 2016

POE : Necro Dual Clay Revisited for Prophecy


OK, I did have some success in dw clayshaper in perandus. level 74, and its just going to get better.
a bit post mortem and improvement, or change in play style.

1. ditch SRS. cons - lose some dps. gains - more free time, can ditch cast speed and duration.
2. ditch MoM. why? TWO AURAs, or three. CONS - lose 30% EHP!! gains - extra aura.
3. Generosity Hatred, and...Haste? for Commander of Darkness, add Clarity.
4. take some aura nodes to run 2 50% auras.
5. Bones of Ullr - for more Zombie and Spec, for OP Specs nodes.

Sockets :

Helm : StoneG - MDmg - MPD - Empower or whatever
Boots : Zombies - AG - Fortify - Minion Damage
Gloves : Generosity - Hatred - Haste -- Clarity
Clay 1 : Inc Duration - Flesh Offerings - Convocation
Clay 2 : Inc Duration - Vaal Haste - Vaal Skels
Chest : Specs - Minion Damage - MPD - MultiStrike - [Splash] -
Chest : Skeletons - Multistrike [filler]

OK done!

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